Sorry again for the delay of UV4. I recently lost my cat; my faithful and loving companion passed away. So I've had to deal with that.
Since you've been so patient, I thought that I would offer you first viewing of the cover for the upcoming UV4. Here it is!

This cover was so much fun to make! I had to fit the picture of the pets onto the screen of the tablet. It came out quite nicely, I think.
I have a question for you all out of curiosity. The POV for the Ultimate Voyeur series is our AI friend, the Voyeur. His 'voice' and vocabulary is a bit elevated. Sometimes his sentences get complex...
So I'm wondering if this is a barrier or a turn-off for anyone. Comments?
I've started outlines for new stories that will probably be one-shots. So even after UV4 is finished and published, you can expect more fun stuff from me! Thank you for your support!