Saturday, March 15, 2014

It's Alive! Ultimate Voyeur 4: Fully Functional

Yes, at long last I have finished, formatted, and uploaded the last part of the UV series! 

Ultimate Voyeur 4: Fully Functional

Don't congratulate me; I feel too guilty for it having taken so long. But at long last you can learn what happens to the threesome. Do they get together? Of course- it wouldn't be as interesting if they didn't! So then, how could they possibly? Read and find out!

Just in case I haven't mentioned it (a million times), this isn't my standard writing format. I wrote this story to play around with things (Names? Who needs names?). I didn't play around with the romantic parts however; I enjoyed those. ;)

Next on the docket: I have a few one-shot stories in progress. We shall see how they develop. I'm hoping to make these into longer one-shots rather than a multi-parter like UV became.

And again for you, my darling visitors, I present an extra bit from my story not on any other site:

My pets had had their way with me. But I was far from done, my body doing as I wished rather than being forced to cave in to physical limitations. I planned to exhaust my pets quite thoroughly and happily during this, our first time together.

“You both seem satisfied with what you’ve done to me.” They confirmed that impression with impish and snarky smiles. “You seem to be in some difficulty, however. I’ll be seeing to that in just a moment.” With that no doubt confirming my pets’ suspicions on what had caused their suspended arousal, I gave them a cat-ate-the-canary grin of my own and stretched.

Exerting my influence on the area around me. I didn’t completely dissolve my pets’ lovely creation that I had been tied to. We could use it again another time in the future. Or perhaps many times. After all, I’m sure it would be fun to have each of them take turns being shackled up. Instead, I phased through my bonds and turned to catch each of my pets in one of my arms.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

On my way back

Yes, I am returning to the real world. Or, rather, the unreal real world that is this place which you and I share together.

As a bonus, I'm creating Facebook and perhaps even Twitter profiles so that you can more easily rant and rave at me for not updating UV. The update will happen, and it will be glorious I tell you. Glorious! UV4 is the final part of the Ultimate Voyeur series, and I intend for it to be published by the end of this weekend.

I'll add a link to my Facebook account in my navigation. Have at it!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Tis the new year

It's been far too long; my apologies.

Happy New Year, my lovelies.

I promised you more of Ultimate Voyeur. I regret not being able to follow through with that. Less than three weeks after my cat died, my Father passed away. I've been helping my Mother since then. I'm quite happy to be able to say that she is improving, and that both of them had previously let me know that they were proud of my writing efforts. Yes, they knew what sort of things I'm writing. ;)

My intent is to provide you with lots of yummy things to read this coming year, including the conclusion of UV, and other stories I've begun writing. I hope you'll come along for the ride!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

News, UV4, and a question out of curiosity

Hello, my pretties.

Sorry again for the delay of UV4. I recently lost my cat; my faithful and loving companion passed away. So I've had to deal with that.

Since you've been so patient, I thought that I would offer you first viewing of the cover for the upcoming UV4. Here it is!

This cover was so much fun to make! I had to fit the picture of the pets onto the screen of the tablet. It came out quite nicely, I think.

I have a question for you all out of curiosity. The POV for the Ultimate Voyeur series is our AI friend, the Voyeur. His 'voice' and vocabulary is a bit elevated. Sometimes his sentences get complex...

So I'm wondering if this is a barrier or a turn-off for anyone. Comments?

I've started outlines for new stories that will probably be one-shots. So even after UV4 is finished and published, you can expect more fun stuff from me! Thank you for your support!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

UV3 links and UV4 news

Whoops! I had meant to post those links for you earlier, my pretties. My apologies; here they are!

Amazon link: Ultimate Voyeur 3: The Sublime Transformation

Nook link: Ultimate Voyeur 3: The Sublime Transformation

And here's the lovely cover I created with a little more work than usual. Blur made for an interesting effect, I thought.

As for UV4, it's coming along nicely. I hope to make it the final part of this series, which means it's going to be full of plot and fun times!

Have fun, everyone.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

UV3 is published at last!

Sorry for the wait! But at long last I finished and published UV#3:

As soon as the manuscripts are live, I'll post the links for Amazon and Nook. In the meantime, since you, my pretties, have been waiting so patiently, I have a reward for you. Here is the description and an excerpt of the book:

Ultimate Voyeur 3: The Sublime Transformation

As the Voyeur's fondness for his pets grows, he decides that watching isn't enough. Handling them through his business would take far too long for his liking. It is time to take them personally in hand, and to introduce himself.

The Voyeur was going to transform himself into something else entirely in order to get his pets to accept him into their hearts, and eventually to claim their bodies.


I took several moments in order to add programming around myself so that when I spoke they would actually hear me. Yes, I sarcastically noted to myself, sound was a useful thing to have when making phone calls. I was also reminded that I would need to choose a voice for myself. I selected a pleasant baritone and added in a subtle accent mixture just for fun.

How would I address them? I was pretty sure that at least until I had built our affectionate bond, they wouldn’t appreciate being referred to as ‘my pets’. I had heard their names many times. They were spoken during their interactions with the hotel, they were saved to their phones, they whispered the pet versions to each other in the dark of night from their bed. I longed to whisper to them that way as well.

But for now, cordial friendliness would have to do.

The two of them whispered and teased as they started getting ready for dinner, changing into more formal clothing that they’d brought on their trip. At least, they started to disrobe, but my impish woman scratched a fingernail lightly along her husband’s back as she passed behind him on the way to sit on the bed. He accepted the coy invitation, pressing her down to lay back upon the mattress and relieving her of her underthings while standing next to the bed.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

UV3: The latest update, and a mention about UV4

Sorry that I haven't posted in a while, my pretties! Don't worry, I'm still alive and kicking- and writing too! This part is definitely going to be longer than the first two by quite a bit. And it's chock full of plot and the fun stuff!

UV4 is also going to be a bit longer than the others with a bit of work. Rather than splitting this up into five parts, I'm trying to put it all into four so you'll get more Bang for your buck. Hyuck hyuck.

So. Rather than boring you to tears about the bits of RL life that caused this delay, I'll get back to writing! I really want to finish and publish UV3 as soon as I can once it's completed to my satisfaction. Er. And hopefully it'll be the cause of a good deal of satisfaction for others. ;)