Sunday, October 13, 2013

News, UV4, and a question out of curiosity

Hello, my pretties.

Sorry again for the delay of UV4. I recently lost my cat; my faithful and loving companion passed away. So I've had to deal with that.

Since you've been so patient, I thought that I would offer you first viewing of the cover for the upcoming UV4. Here it is!

This cover was so much fun to make! I had to fit the picture of the pets onto the screen of the tablet. It came out quite nicely, I think.

I have a question for you all out of curiosity. The POV for the Ultimate Voyeur series is our AI friend, the Voyeur. His 'voice' and vocabulary is a bit elevated. Sometimes his sentences get complex...

So I'm wondering if this is a barrier or a turn-off for anyone. Comments?

I've started outlines for new stories that will probably be one-shots. So even after UV4 is finished and published, you can expect more fun stuff from me! Thank you for your support!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

UV3 links and UV4 news

Whoops! I had meant to post those links for you earlier, my pretties. My apologies; here they are!

Amazon link: Ultimate Voyeur 3: The Sublime Transformation

Nook link: Ultimate Voyeur 3: The Sublime Transformation

And here's the lovely cover I created with a little more work than usual. Blur made for an interesting effect, I thought.

As for UV4, it's coming along nicely. I hope to make it the final part of this series, which means it's going to be full of plot and fun times!

Have fun, everyone.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

UV3 is published at last!

Sorry for the wait! But at long last I finished and published UV#3:

As soon as the manuscripts are live, I'll post the links for Amazon and Nook. In the meantime, since you, my pretties, have been waiting so patiently, I have a reward for you. Here is the description and an excerpt of the book:

Ultimate Voyeur 3: The Sublime Transformation

As the Voyeur's fondness for his pets grows, he decides that watching isn't enough. Handling them through his business would take far too long for his liking. It is time to take them personally in hand, and to introduce himself.

The Voyeur was going to transform himself into something else entirely in order to get his pets to accept him into their hearts, and eventually to claim their bodies.


I took several moments in order to add programming around myself so that when I spoke they would actually hear me. Yes, I sarcastically noted to myself, sound was a useful thing to have when making phone calls. I was also reminded that I would need to choose a voice for myself. I selected a pleasant baritone and added in a subtle accent mixture just for fun.

How would I address them? I was pretty sure that at least until I had built our affectionate bond, they wouldn’t appreciate being referred to as ‘my pets’. I had heard their names many times. They were spoken during their interactions with the hotel, they were saved to their phones, they whispered the pet versions to each other in the dark of night from their bed. I longed to whisper to them that way as well.

But for now, cordial friendliness would have to do.

The two of them whispered and teased as they started getting ready for dinner, changing into more formal clothing that they’d brought on their trip. At least, they started to disrobe, but my impish woman scratched a fingernail lightly along her husband’s back as she passed behind him on the way to sit on the bed. He accepted the coy invitation, pressing her down to lay back upon the mattress and relieving her of her underthings while standing next to the bed.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

UV3: The latest update, and a mention about UV4

Sorry that I haven't posted in a while, my pretties! Don't worry, I'm still alive and kicking- and writing too! This part is definitely going to be longer than the first two by quite a bit. And it's chock full of plot and the fun stuff!

UV4 is also going to be a bit longer than the others with a bit of work. Rather than splitting this up into five parts, I'm trying to put it all into four so you'll get more Bang for your buck. Hyuck hyuck.

So. Rather than boring you to tears about the bits of RL life that caused this delay, I'll get back to writing! I really want to finish and publish UV3 as soon as I can once it's completed to my satisfaction. Er. And hopefully it'll be the cause of a good deal of satisfaction for others. ;)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Progress on UV #3

From the echoes of eternity, I can hear you say, "Ophelia! You haven't posted in a while. Have you finished #3 yet?"

Well, no. I haven't finished it yet. But I'm about halfway through! I want to make this part-of-the-whole a bit longer than the first two, especially since the plot is developing, and since you're reading my books, plot is definitely not the only thing that you're here for!

I do have some good news though. The sickness is spreading! Now in addition to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and ARe, Parts 1 and 2 have been shipped to Sony, iTunes, Kobo, Page Foundry, and will be added to a few others before long.

And with that bit of joy shared, I'd best get back to writing! From the look of things, I'm estimating that this particular story will span five parts. I hope that you're enjoying it so far!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Ultimate Voyeur 2 is live at Amazon!

And here it is, my pretties! The second book in the Ultimate Voyeur series:

Ultimate Voyeur 2: The Best Plans are Laid

The Voyeur's pets are still unaware of his existence. But as he watches them,
aroused by their passion, he plans to change that.

The Voyeur has seen enough to know that he longs to become a part of his pets' lives. But how will he go about doing that from inside his domain?

For a being such as him, physical touch was an unknown experience. With his ingenuity, the Voyeur plans to make it possible to feel pleasure, and to be able to do so with the participation of his favorite couple.

Excerpt from the book:

Slowly I raised my arms and looked at my hands, flexing them. I brought those hands hesitantly toward my chest. The skin of this programmed body would be a barrier to anything else touching it. In that way, it would seem to be a solid thing… Which in theory meant that I was about to experience touch.

My hands settled upon my chest muscles and I noticed something else I would have to alter. The normal human body had an internal temperature of 98.6 degrees, with areas of the skin that were cooler or warmer than others. From what I’d read and watched, the palms of my hands should be warm while my bare chest was cooler. I made it so… and felt something wonderful. The fact behind temperature was enormously different from actually feeling it. Warmth felt so fantastic! How could people ever keep themselves from constantly touching each other to experience it?

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Ultimate Voyeur 2 has been published!

Good news, my beauties!

I just finished posting Ultimate Voyeur 2 to Amazon, Nook, Smashwords, and ARe! I expect that it'll appear on Amazon sometime tomorrow, and Nook/Smashwords sometime after that. Ultimate Voyeur 1 is available for the Nook, but it took a while.

ARe doesn't seem to have a review stage, so you can find it there right now!

Here's a link to the page with both of my UV stories:

I'll let you know when Amazon comes through!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Thoughts about experimental writing

I was just talking to my friend Jessie Hackborn, and it occurred to me to mention that this, my first series, is a bit of an experiment in writing. It's definitely erotica, and to me the fun scenes are hot. But I realize that the title might scare people off. Heh, I should have thought of that to begin with. That together with writing from the first person perspective might cause people to look elsewhere.

But the point of the Ultimate Voyeur series isn't that the POV character is a voyeur. The point is that he witnesses yummy steamy scenes (and because of that, we witness said yummy steamy scenes), and that he is a [bleeeep] [bleeeeep] which gives the story a science fiction bent.

Boy oh boy will you be getting a nose full of that plot in the next story along with another piece of hotness.

The second story will be finished this week. Hopefully early this week if I can manage it!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Keeping in touch with you, my pretties

Hello, gentle readers (even the not-so-gentle ones)

I just wanted to let you know that I'm working my way through my second story which will be another chapter in the Ultimate Voyeur's adventures.

You'll get to learn a little more about him. And of course, enjoy watching his pets with him some more. I'm looking forward to finishing this one!

Take care

Thursday, July 4, 2013

... And Amazon wins the Publishing race!

Less than twelve hours later, and Amazon finished publishing my book! The other distributors are still working on it, but I'm sure it won't be long before they're done.

In the meantime, here it is- the Premiere of my first Ebook!

Ultimate Voyeur 1: The Play Begins

Who or what is the Voyeur, and how has he gained his influence over the devices of our modern world? What are his intentions toward the newlywed couple he has chosen as his subjects?

Accompany the Voyeur on his journey to discover humanity in all of its pains and pleasures.

Ultimate Voyeur on Amazon
My Author Page on Amazon

If you visit the book's page on Amazon,  you'll be able to read a sample from the beginning of the story. But for you, my lovely readers, I'm posting an additional excerpt here. Enjoy!

As I adjusted the cell phone camera for the low light situation in their hotel room that night, their clinch became increasingly passionate. The young man reached out and wrapped his lover tightly in his arms, emphatically pressing his tongue into her mouth with a low moan which she echoed, welcoming it. I sighed to myself, pleased, and settled in to watch.
He rumbled a playful growl and turned them so that he was on top of her, rising from the kiss long enough to start nipping at her lips, kissing the tip of her nose before getting more serious and lowering his head enough to suck vampiricly at her throat, prompting another moan and an arching of her body. Smiling, I visualized snuggling in with the two of them, nuzzling them affectionately before seeking some skin of my own to suck on. Would they taste salty from sweat or musky with desire?

Whose fault is this?

I point a finger at my new friend, Jessie Hackborn. She showed me the ropes and gave me lots of helpful advice on the soul sucking technical aspects of publishing. Go look at her blog right here; it's full of amazing stories!

And soon, my pretties. Soon I shall post the Premiere of my first Ebook!

It approaches...

Happy July 4th! And to celebrate, I've just finished publishing my first ebook! I plan on writing this as a series, but I'll also be writing stories on other subject matter as well, just in case this topic doesn't float your boat.

Once the publishers have finished processing it (in about 12+ hours from now), it will be available for the Amazon Kindle, the Nook, in iTunes, and a number of other ebook distributors!

I'll provide links and the final Unveiling once everything goes live.

Alas, my stories are for Mature Audiences only, because that's how I roll.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Here we are then, dear visitors. I'm putting the final touches on my first work which I hope to have up this week.

I'll post its location once it's available on Amazon, B&N, and iTunes. Thanks for reading!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Thanks so much for visiting, but as you can see, there isn't much in the way of decoration as of yet. But pull up a stool. There's a spot you can kick up your feet and relax for a while.

The fun will begin soon enough!